Oakley Daddy Daughter Dance
Dads & daughters (approximately age 2-13) join us for our 4th annual Oakley Daddy Daughter Dance @ the 20th Century Theatre in Oakley!
This year we have TWO sessions: 4:30-6p or 7-8:30p.
Entertaining us again with their LIVE energetic rock and roll music from the 40s & 50s is Keith Jones and the Makeshifts.
Tickets are $12.50/person. (i.e. Dad + 1 daughter = $25; Dad + 3 daughters = $50; etc.)
Each ticket includes admission, the live entertainment, a high resolution digital photograph/portrait, snacks/treats and soda, and a special gift for each young lady at the end of the evening. (The bar will be open for you to purchase drinks as well). This year’s theme is “A Galaxy Far, Far Away…”
All tickets are non-refundable and proceeds benefit the Cincinnati Recreation Commission, the Oakley Community Council, and the Hyde Park School PTO.
NOTE: Previous years’ events have sold out so you MUST pre-register. Tickets will NOT be sold at the door.